WLS Update: NOTE stomach flu after the surgery is BAD… VERY, VERY BAD!

Well, it has been a while since I have made a post to my blog. The days just seem to be passing by so quickly. A run-down…..

Christmas was good. My ex-husband lives in Illinois so my daughters don’t get to see him too often. I had made the decision that while he was here in town that the girls’ could spend the whole time with him. My gift to him, I guess you could say. Was it hard for me to not have them at home on Christmas day? No. I was just fine with it… because I had made that decision to let him have them all of the time he was here over Christmas. That was my decision and so I was fine with them not being here with me. They needed that time with him. My husband, son and I spent part of Christmas day over at my in-laws. It was a very enjoyable day and I had no problems as far as the post-surgical diet went or eating stuff that I shouldn’t have been eating.

New Year’s was a whole different story. It started out well, but ended rotten. I started out feeling great on New Year’s Day, but then by noon I started feeling really, really sick. I thought that possibly it was dumping syndrome, but I knew that it couldn’t have been that as at the moment that it started the only thing I had had was a protein shake, that I still wasn’t done drinking. The protein shake had the only new thing in it that I hadn’t tried up to that point: egg protein powder. The egg protein powder was actually great in making the shake itself seem light and it wasn’t bad at all, tasting wise, however I have since no desire to attempt that particular product again.

The symptoms reminded me of being in labor with my children, and that isn’t an exaggeration (unfortunately). Vomiting wasn’t there. Probably would be but with the little tummy food does not sit there long enough for it come back up (sorry so graphic). Dry heaves was more the issues than anything (again, sorry so graphic but I know that there are people out there who are will want to know specifically). After about 7 ½ hours of dealing with this and not being able to must up the desire to eat (which is a must) I was on the phone calling Carmel Surgical Specialists. Dr. Jones was on-call for their office over the holiday. Because of the extreme of the level of pain I was having, the nausea, the dry heaves and the probability that I was quickly becoming dehydrated she made the suggestion that I go up to Carmel St. Vincent’s ER. I am not that far from there, 20 minutes, so that was not going to be a problem.

I will honestly say I have not been in an Emergency Room yet that is like that of St. Vincent Carmel Hospital. Imagine walking into an ER going right up and immediately having your vitals checked out and then being taken back to one of 18 “private” ER rooms, that look just exactly like most of the private rooms when you are admitted to other hospitals, having the admittance person come right into your room to check you in, etc., etc. I asked what they do when they have a crowd of people in the ER at once. Where do they sit outside in the reception area? They told me they don’t sit in the reception area that they have always had enough beds (18 rooms plus) that they have never had to have anyone wait at all to go back. I looked at my husband and in between a pain episode I told him, “If I ever need to go to the ER again bring me here!” I love my PCP, he has been my Dr. for 18 years now, but I am sure he wouldn’t mind if I went to the other hospital branch that he is affiliated with. It is the same hospital, just in different areas.

The ER nurse had a little bit of difficulty getting an IV started in my arm. I was dehydrated pretty badly. It took her 5 sticks (which most nurses won’t even consider trying again after 2 or 3 sticks) to get the IV into a vein that wouldn’t roll on her. They sent me over to have a CT scan after they gave me some Morphine for the pain. Finished the scan, went back to the ER, and the ER nurse was rather agitated with the CT scan tech who turned off my IV fluid line. I didn’t know she did. I pretty much slept the whole time of the CT scan because Morphine, like most all pain meds, knocked me out. I was lucky that I even got off the bed and on the table to do the scan, and then back into the bed after the scan… I was THAT out of it. The scan showed that everything as far as my tummy went was just fine, in other words I didn’t have any obstruction or leaks. They also told me that the scan showed the staple line was healing just as it should and in the right time frame that they expect them to heal. That was good news. :O) BUT… It still didn’t take care of my issue. The diagnosis was in agreement with what I figured it probably was… the stomach flu… and a NASTY flu it was too. JUST as an FYI… the Incentive Spirometer (which I am probably misspelling) does NOT prevent you from getting the stomach flu!!!

I was admitted and stayed in the hospital until the 3rd of January… probably could have stayed a little longer, but I seriously got tired of staying in the hospital. Next time I will remember to have brought up to me either my laptop or at least a book to read! The silly IV came out of the vein at one point and I had to again go through getting stuck in order to get the line restarted. Four nurses and 7 more sticks later it was finally in place again. That was 12 sticks… ouch! My arms looked like a purple pin cushion. While I came home on the 3rd it actually took a whole week for that stomach flu to work its course. The pain was under control by the 3rd and that to me meant that I was at least functional again.

Went back for my six week check up with Dr. Gupta on the 15th (which was last Thursday), as well as for a Nutritionist visit. Everything there went well. Nothing out of the ordinary to tell there, except that my next check up is in another 6 weeks.

So… that pretty much does it for my update on how I am doing with this Roux-En-Y thing. Oh… weight lost? I guess I did forget to put that down here, didn’t I? Sorry. Since my last blog post I have lost 8 ½ lbs. and 16 ¼ inches over total body. That is a good loss in my opinion. I am satisfied with that. I think that 10 lbs. / month is a good steady goal to shoot for with my height and weight average. REMEMBER, those of you just starting this process or are thinking about going through with having this procedure, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!! What is a healthy weight loss per month for one person is not necessarily going to be lost with another person. Some may lose way more, some may lose the average, and some even less than the average. As long as your Doctor is not concerned, as long as your Doctor tells you that you are on track… then that is all that matters. ALSO… stay away from the scales except for once a week… and start measuring yourself, too. Measuring yourself is a great way to see where you are losing weight at first, the most often, as well as to know that even if you aren’t losing a lot in pounds in a week you may be losing a great deal in inches. FINAL THOUGHT…. STAY AWAY from anyone that you know has had this terrible stomach flu especially if you are fairly fresh out from having the surgery done!!!

Till next time………. Go see two new movies out: Marley & Me and also Paul Blart: Mall Cop. Awesome movies!


WLS UPDATE: 1st Post-Op Appointment w/ Surgeon, Dr. Christine Gupta, on Dec. 11th, 2008.

Okay… so I am running a little behind on updating this blog since my December 11th post-surgical appointment. Ahhhh… who cares? Not that big of a deal. At least I am updating it. LOL :O) (OHHHH… and for those who may not be familiar with online short-hand… “LOL” stands for Laugh-Out-Loud.) Maybe one day I will go and find a web page that has a whole bunch of those little short-hand things and post it on the page for reference. Never know…. I just may do that. Strangely enough… I think I may actually post two things today. Not sure yet. Depends on how the day goes.

Soooo… Getting on with the topic for this entry. My first post-op appointment for the Roux-En-Y WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) that I had was last Thursday, December 11th with Dr. Christine Gupta, surgeon with Carmel Surgical Specialist ( http://www.carmelsurgical.com/go/our-surgeons/dr-christine-gupta.html ). For those that are considering this surgery and are looking for a surgeon… she is AWESOME!!!! And their office is located on the second floor of St. Vincent Carmel Hospital (through entrance 4), and I tell you… I think their office has GOT to be the sweetest looking office I have seen in a LONG time. Sorry to those attorneys out there reading this in Indy but they beat even your own. MUST find out who their decorator was! Course at this current time I couldn’t afford her decorator even if I wanted to. Darn it! ….. Someday! However, they do have this one “tiny” wall painted this god-awful blue color (not just any regular blue color… but a seriously hurting the eyes blue color) that they have patients stand in front of so they can take a picture of you for their own personal patient file. This is done after your weigh-in. (Dr. Gupta… if you ever read this… please take no offense to my opinion of that awful blue paint color in your little weigh-in area.) Seriously… the reception (or waiting room) area looks like something out of a magazine. Totally impressed!

Enough about their decor… They have this system of doing things where you check in, get weighed, see the doctor, check out and all with ease. LOVE IT! Does that make a difference??? Yeah it can. Seriously who likes to go to the doctors office anyway? NO ONE! But, doesn’t it make it nice when you can go and know that you won’t be waiting an hour to get in and be seen by your doctor? I do… Maybe that is why I have stayed with my Primary for the last 18 years! His office still runs functionally well also and…. heck… I think that even if they ever stopped running functionally as long as he is there I would stay. That kind of happens when you have had the same doctor for almost 2 decades. I like the fact that I will be able to depend upon Dr. Gupta like I do my Primary. Makes having had this surgery a lot more comforting for me.

How am I doing? Not too bad, considering it was two weeks ago tomorrow that I had this done. WOW! HOW time has FLOWN by. It is hard to believe that it has been two weeks already. As of last Thursday (which was 1 week after I had left the hospital – Dec. 4th) I had lost 16 lbs in 1 week!!!! WILD, huh? Yeah, I think so too! My skin-wounds (which are small because Dr. Gupta did this surgery laparoscopically) are healing well. She used only steri-strips to bind them together and those have already fallen off. One question that I know lingers in many minds is: Can 2 ounces of food really fill you up? This is actually a hard thing to wrap ones mind around. I know it was hard for me to wrap my own mind around the thought before I had the surgery. The answer is: YES! Two ounces does fill one up. As time progresses though the stomach (or pouch as it is often called) will be gradually expanded to where it will hold no more than about 8 ounces of food. Right now I am doing good with just those two ounces. Other than this… I am also getting up and moving. I borrowed a exercise bike through these winter months from a close friend of mine and I was (until last Thursday) riding it every two hours while I was awake for ten minutes each time… averaging about 16 miles a day. Now, as of Thursday… so says my Dr., I am riding three times a day for 30 minutes each time… averaging 24 miles a day. Course, yesterday I decided to do 45 minutes twice and averaged 20 miles. Not bad for two weeks out since surgery, huh? How much have I lost since last Thursday when I saw her? I don’t know. I do not own a scale. Again, as I have said previously, this is on purpose. I do not want to be “dependent” upon a scale. I can go find one once a week (like at the YMCA) and get my weight if I want to. I am not one that usually likes surprises but when it comes to the excitement of waiting for that one day each week to come around to see if there was any loss I think I it is rather exciting. What an aphrodisiac! Just the thought that drop gives… WOW! Where am I noticing the loss at first? My fingers. I have not been able to wear my original wedding set since I was about 4 months pregnant with my son (that was about 7 years ago) and I am wearing them right now. My ring size for the last 7 years has been a 7… my original set is a 6. One whole ring size! The original set is now keeping my current set on my finger. Wild, huh?

What other things…. ummmm… well… Oh, I know… Right now I am still not having problems with milk… so guess that means that maybe I’ll get lucky and not be lactose intolerant. I have not yet had any problems with dumping syndrome (which for those who are wondering that is basically just something that happens when one eats more than the little “pouch” can hold and you start feeling yuk, get sick in your stomach – in either one way, the other, or both). Oh… almost forgot… My eyes. I last posted just after I got home and I was having funky things going on with my eyes. That has returned back to its typical self. I couldn’t get so lucky… I still have to wear my glasses to read for long periods of time and to drive at night.

What am I having difficulty with? Getting 64-80 ounces of fluid in in a day. It doesn’t have to be just water… it’s any type of fluid. Dr. Gupta says that it just needs to be fluid and she wants me to work myself up to 64 ounces at least in a day. She said that she knows that it may take me a bit but I am to keep working at it. She’s right. It will take me a bit. You can’t chug… you HAVE to SIP! SIP!… Like seriously sip! If one chugs one can rip open the staple line on the “pouch” (or stomach) at this point. Not a good thing. Hydration is important. This I know. But, I am doing good at the ‘moment’ just to get in 42 ounces a day. Sooooooooo… speaking of fluid. BRB (BRB = Be Right Back, again for those who don’t know the short-hand)…. I gotta get me some more “fluid”! A half a gallon of fluid a day on a two ounce stomach!!!! YEAH!!! I’ll do it… in about 64 more days! LOL. Just kidding. I am sure I will be able to do it in a lot less that 64 days from now, but you get the point.

Vitamins and Supplements… I am doing good on these. Well… kind of. I am getting my vitamins in, I am taking the right amount of Calcium Citrate, I am getting my one extra dose of vitamin B12 a week and my extra dose of vitamin B1. As for the 75 to 90 mg of Protein…. yeah… that I am finding myself cutting it really close. I get to the 75 mg, but it isn’t always an easy thing to do. Mind you getting that in at this point usually consists of drinking the protein. The product “protein shot” or “protein bullet” is a great help, but it tastes SUPER sweet to me. Interestingly even some sugar-free products are too sweet for me. The “natural sugars” that are in many sugar-free products are what make it too sweet. The chocolate malt protein shakes are also close to being too sweet for me. It takes me a LONG time to get one of those down. Now… know this… just because I am having this issue doesn’t mean that every one does. And, for me it isn’t really THAT big of an issue only because I STILL move on and do what I know I have to do… drink up! Hold the nose, but still drink up! AND if all else fails… I could always drink ten cups of Skim Milk in a day… although I personally think that would be counter productive since that would be 800 calories a day just from Skim Milk just to get enough protein in when I can drink 2 “protein bullets” at 176 calories a piece (352, in case you are calculating) for a huge difference of 448 calories! Goodness… if I drank that much more just in Skim Milk I would have to ride that exercise bike another 45 minutes a day just to work off the difference. NO THANKS! :O) LOL.

Ahhh good moments! Anyway… that is where I am, at the moment. I am still considering coming back on here later… maybe not today… to do another post about a VERY good book that I just got done reading. It is a short little weekend Novel. But, if I don’t get to it and you want something to read while you are busy waiting in line to check out with your Christmas goodies, sitting at the doctors office…. or doing your exercises… pick up the book titled: “THE CHRISTMAS HOPE”, Written by: Donna VanLiere. (ISBN #: 0-312-33450-8) It Retails: $14.95, HOWEVER… IF YOU HAVE A SAM’S CLUB MEMBERSHIP… you can pick it up for $9.95. OR… go see if your local library has it. I think the copy that I have is going to be making its way down to Evansville, Indiana to a friend of mine that lives down there. The whole time I was reading it I kept thinking about Kirsta (one of my many closest friends since I was a child…. don’t ask how many years… we won’t tell… LOL) and so I am going to be putting it into an envelope and taking it to the post office as soon as I can.

Type at ya later!


Update on Roux-en-Y Surgery

Well, Tuesday was my surgery.  Everything went very well.  I got there around 11:15 am (15 min earlier than needed) and they took me right back to get the process started.  Time went pretty fast from that point.  When they were ready to get started they had me walk from the pre-op rooms to the operating room.  I thought that was an interesting change of pace.  Within a few minutes I was out like a light.  Honestly, from that point on for the rest of Tuesday I do not remember much of anything.

Wednesday morning I woke up to having been given a VERY rude nurse.  I finally hinded up asking the on duty charge nurse if I could be assigned a different one and I told her some of the comments that this nurse made without any justification behind them.  The one they switched her with was awesome and so were all the others from that point on.  Point: Do not be afraid to ask for a different nurse if you think that your personalities will clash.  You are the patient and you should not have to feel stressed out because you have a nurse that only knows how to talk rudely to you.

For my Wednesday morning breakfast they bring me apple juice and sugar-free cherry jello.  I took one sip out of the apple juice and I could NOT drink anymore of it.  It was WAY too sweet for me.  The sugar-free cherry jello was also pretty sweet, but was a little more tollerable than the apple juice.  So that was the first thing I noticed right off the bat…. my taste buds had changed.  I do not even remember what I had as far as food went from there on out.  I was pretty tired from the meds.

I got up and walked around the unit as much as I could while I was awake.  There were times where the pain was just really uncomfortable for walking.

I came home on Thursday mid-day… after having made a pit-stop at Wal-mart with Jason so that we could get my prescriptions filled.  I noticed a second big change… which is kind of annoying me at the moment… my prescription on my glasses seem to have changed slightly.  I can actually see better without them on.  While that may sound like a great thing it isn’t…. Why?… Well… words are still blurry without them on.

Since my house is not conductive to doing any significant walking around it on the inside I decided to do my walking outside.  My front yard is a fairly decent size and so I walked laps around the front yard… 30 laps yesterday.  At this point I want to wait to walk on the treadmill at the YMCA until I see Dr. Gupta on the 11th for my post-op appointment and she says that it is okay to do that.  I still need to get in my walking for the prevention of blood clots and they recommended walking every two hours.

Have I lost any weight? Well… I don’t know.  I can’t answer that question at the moment.  I do not own a scale.  Which if one thinks about it that is probably a good thing because I would probably dwell on it.  The YMCA has scales… good reason to get up and go over there every day as soon as I am cleared to.

I have seen on the discussion board the question of whether or not 2 oz. of food can truly fill you up after this surgery.  Answer: YES!!!  Luckily I have not yet had any problems with milk.  So maybe I will not have to worry about a milk intolerance.

So how am I feeling today? Much better.  Not as groggy.  I am not taking anymore pain medicine.  I do, however, look forward to when I will be able to comfortably lay on my side again.  I don’t like sleeping on my back all the time.

Well… that pretty much does it for this update.  Not really that much to tell.  It was nice to be home, although one of my kids is not feeling very well and she wants so much to come in and spend time with me.  I would love that too…. but it isn’t a good idea at this particular moment.  So she rests on the floor of the hallway right outside my bedroom door.  Makes her feel someone close.  I guess I better get off here and do some walking before the snow gets any thicker on the ground outside.  I’ll update again later.
